Sunday, February 9, 2014

Guess what?

Hi everyone!

    Well, we are so very, very blessed to be able to say that we are now the proud and excited possessors of three round-trip airline tickets to Paris!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hurray!!!!!!!!!!! It's official--we are going to Normandy in just a few months!  AHHH! Ironically, the cheapest way to get to Normandy was landing in Dublin, then taking a short hop over to Paris. I guess direct isn't always cheapest...go figure that one.

     It has been one. long. journey. to find a place to stay! We have searched hostels, hotels, bed and breakfasts, houses, vacation rentals, campsites, apartments, and yurts (you name it), and you wouldn't believe how few places are available! With all the people we contacted and research we did, this seemed surprising--until one owner told us that the veterans who booked with them had done so three years in advance! He also informed us that they are expecting 1 million people for this anniversary. Wow! We found a few open places further out (e.g. 45 m./1 hour away from Sainte Mere Eglise), but we were hoping to get something closer than that with gas at $10 per gallon. In the last couple days, though, God has provided a whole home (us girls will do the cooking, keeping meals a little cheaper) a 5-10 minute walk from Omaha Beach! Although there will be a little drive to the villages where some of the events are going to be held, this is really special as Omaha Beach is where our great-grandfather landed. Praise the Lord! We will be continuing to save up, and us girls are hoping to be able to cover all of our housing costs. It has been a great faith-builder to give this trip to God and then see Him provide through work opportunities, extra jobs, and the incredible generosity of others.

     Last but not nearly least, we have also updated our Operation Honor crafts. In particular Ashlyn has been creating some amazingly gorgeous cards in all colors and styles. A very talented friend has also made some beautiful jewelry for our fundraising (my very favorite necklace is below, although there's a couple others that are competing for my "most favored" standing), so scroll on down and take a look!

     Thank you so much for your prayers and support! We will continue to keep you posted as we get closer and closer to our goal.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I am so happy your prayers have been answered about housing in France! Also, I looked at your necklaces and they look beautiful! Have a great time at Normandy!
