Sunday, February 9, 2014

A sweet and very artistic friend of ours has created some beautiful jewelry to help support our Operation Honor trip...take a look! Quite frankly, all these super talented people I seem to be surrounded by can make me feel a bit intimidated sometimes (I barely graduated out of drawing stick figures) but hey, watching sisters and friends use their God-given talents to bless others is such a delight to see!

The pieces below are what I currently have--"first come, first serve"--but if something has been sold and you really liked the looks of it, I will try to find a similar design for you. "Full sets" include a necklace, bracelet, and earrings; "partial sets" include a necklace and earrings. These necklaces are choker-style for adults or regular for children.


SOLD Full set...necklace is 16", bracelet is 6"

Necklace SOLD; earrings still available. 16.5"

Necklace is 15.5"
Necklace is 15"

Love the purple. Just sayin'.

Partial set...necklace is 14"
Full set (necklace, bracelet, earrings) = $15.00
Partial set (necklace, earrings) = $10.00
Earrings = $5.00
Bracelet = $5.00
Necklace = $5.00

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